The ASTM Caterpillar Surveillance Panel Chair has informed API that the ASTM D8047 ("COAT") test is again available for candidate oil testing. In response to this notification, API's Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System (EOLCS) has declared COAT Provisional Licensing closed in accordance with paragraph 6.7 of API 1509. Marketers with formulations that have been provisionally-licensed for COAT must now obtain a passing COAT result within 6 months from the date of this notification.
API has updated the website with the revised version of Annex E and Annex F......
Three new gasoline engine oil standards may be approved in April 2019. If approved, ILSAC GF-6A will replace the current standard behind the API Starburst (ILSAC GF-5); ILSAC GF-6B will be a separate standard for SAE 0W-16 oils and will be identified by a new API engine oil certification mark; and API SP will serve as the latest API "S" Service Category.
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